Education & Learning

We support organizations all over the Treasure Coast, and know that education and learning is at the crux of a healthy and happy society. The Baron Academy is one of our educational philanthropic endeavors that is closest to us, and was grown and developed by Jeremiah personally. 

Baron Academy

In 2019, Kristine Erice decided to take her austistic son’s education into her own hands. She did so by establishing a school that provided a safe space for autistic students to learn by focusing on their abilities.

After a chance encounter between Jeremiah and Kristine, Jeremiah, a father of two autistic children himself, immediately knew he needed to get involved and drew up plans to fund and expand the school, now known as the Baron Academy.

The Baron Academy, a K-8 school, now enrolls 80 autistic students and as a member of the Florida State Scholarship program, anyone with an autistic student can access the school.
The Baron Academy not only helps potential families apply for the correct financial aid but takes it a step further by helping families find a suitable educational facility feven if the Baron Academy isn’t the best fit for them.

Jeremiah sits on the Board for the Baron Academy and his guidance has led to the access of quality education for austitic children all across St. Lucie county, with plans for continued expansion.

For more information on the Baron Academy.


Ribbon Cutting At Baron Academy

Baron Academy Building

Learning Modules at Baron Academy

Happy Birthday To Our School Ambassador

Students at Baron Academy

Jeremiah Baron Speaking at Baron Academy

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